COBRA News Hub Week #8

Participate in theme days and earn points for your house team (Air, Fire, Earth, Water)!!
Thursday, October 24 - wear Halloween colors and accessories
Thursday, October 31 - wear your favorite costume
October 24 - 7-8 Girls A Volleyball Game VS Ecole Voyageur
October 28 - NO SCHOOL for Students - Staff PD
November 5 - JV Volleyball Districts
November 6 - Grade 9 Take Our Kids to Work Day
November 7 - Lifetouch Picture Retakes
November 8 - Remembrance Day Ceremony at 10:55 a.m.
November 11 - NO SCHOOL due to Remembrance Day
November 14 - Grade 9 Immunization (consent forms were sent home with students)
CLJHS Spirit Wear
Get your Spirit Wear at https://coldlakejuniorhigh.
Hot lunch is offered Tuesday to Friday and is ordered from various businesses around Cold Lake. Orders must be placed on School Cash no later than Sunday midnight the week of. We also have a concession that children can purchase chocolate milk, jerky and snack foods. CASH is NOT accepted at the concession, please purchase a concession card on School Cash. If you have not created an account for School Cash please go to, you will need your child's ASN number (call the school for assistance). School Cash is ALWAYS the PREFERRED METHOD OF PAYMENT.
If your child is going to be absent please report their absence to avoid getting an automated attendance call out (attendance call outs are at 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.):
1. Safe Arrival (click the link)
2. call 780-594-5623
3. text the school cell phone 780-201-1057
4. email the school
PowerSchool Parent Portal (click the link)
Please log into your account and fill out the Student Update Verification Form. If you do not have an account please call the school office at 780-594-5623 or email
CLJHS Student and Parent Handbook click here to read the handbook