Staff Directory

Staff Directory


Photo of Chan Cusson

Mrs. Chan Cusson


Phone: 780-594-5623

Photo of Colleen Yoshida

Mrs. Colleen Yoshida

Assistant Principal

Phone: 780-594-5623

placeholder image for Nicole Coben

Mrs. Nicole Coben

Assistant Principal

Photo of Jaime Nakonechny

Ms. Jaime Nakonechny

School Administrative Assistant

Phone: 780-594-5623

Photo of Chantelle Ayers

Ms. Chantelle Ayers

School Administrative Assistant

Phone: 780-594-5623

Learning Pathways Advisor

placeholder image for Lisa Shankowski

Mrs. Lisa Shankowski

Learning Pathways Advisor

Phone: 780-594-5623

Grade 7 Teachers

placeholder image for Michael Fleming

Mr. Michael Fleming


placeholder image for Joanne Cluff

Mrs. Joanne Cluff


placeholder image for Shaelynn Beach

Ms. Shaelynn Beach


Photo of Chelsey Plain

Ms. Chelsey Plain


Photo of Tammy Becotte

Mrs. Tammy Becotte


placeholder image for Lynn Keefe

Mrs. Lynn Keefe


Grade 8 Teachers

placeholder image for Janice Pustovyk

Mrs. Janice Pustovyk


placeholder image for Sarah Sbeiti

Mrs. Sarah Sbeiti


Photo of Patrick Webb

Mr. Patrick Webb


placeholder image for Joshua Lee

Mr. Joshua Lee


placeholder image for Laura Tuttosi

Mme Laura Tuttosi


Photo of Hannah Ludlage

Miss Hannah Ludlage


Grade 9 Teachers

Photo of Aimee Alger

Ms. Aimee Alger


placeholder image for Lyndsay Geddes

Mrs. Lyndsay Geddes


placeholder image for Angie French

Ms. Angie French


placeholder image for Bill Mathias

Mr. Bill Mathias


placeholder image for Amanda Forster

Mrs. Amanda Forster


placeholder image for Tyler Thiessen

Mr. Tyler Thiessen


placeholder image for Damian Saliken

Mr. Damian Saliken


Inclusive Education

placeholder image for Alysia Bernicki

Ms. Alysia Bernicki

School Advocacy Counselor

Phone: 780-594-5623

Photo of Kelly Murphy

Ms. Kelly Murphy

SST Coordinator

Phone: 780-594-5623

placeholder image for Sherri Fournier

Mrs. Sherri Fournier

Wellness EA

Phys Ed Department

Photo of Tammy Becotte

Mrs. Tammy Becotte


Photo of Tom Gillis

Mr. Tom Gillis


Photo of Patrick Webb

Mr. Patrick Webb


Support Staff

placeholder image for Alma Bigcas

Mrs. Alma Bigcas

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Tanya Bordeleau

Ms. Tanya Bordeleau

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Paige Collins

Mrs. Paige Collins

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Sherry Favel

Mrs. Sherry Favel

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Wendy Fransky

Mrs. Wendy Fransky

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Dominique Gordon

Mrs. Dominique Gordon

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Hope Hellerud

Mrs. Hope Hellerud

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Michelle Kurulak

Mrs. Michelle Kurulak

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Lori Labonte

Mrs. Lori Labonte

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Jayda Maciborski

Mrs. Jayda Maciborski

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Katie Mack

Mrs. Katie Mack

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Natasha Malysheff-Brown

Mrs. Natasha Malysheff-Brown

Educational Assistant

Photo of Natalie McDonald

Mrs. Natalie McDonald

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Alice Normand

Miss Alice Normand


placeholder image for Olufunke Soilenu

Mrs. Olufunke Soilenu

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Tabrina Stenz

Mrs. Tabrina Stenz

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Mackenzie Thomlinson

Mrs. Mackenzie Thomlinson

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Charla Turnell

Mrs. Charla Turnell

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Spencer Van Galen

Mrs. Spencer Van Galen

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Holly Warkentin

Mrs. Holly Warkentin

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Loralle Woloshyn

Mrs. Loralle Woloshyn

Educational Assistant