Hornets Hub Week #6

- October 5 - World Teacher Day
- October 8 - IPP Day - NO SCHOOL for students
- October 11 - Thanksgiving Day - NO SCHOOL
- November 3 - Lifetouch Picture Retakes (afternoon)
Congratulations to the students who participated in the Cross Country Run on October 1, it was a beautiful day!!!! Thank you to Mrs. Niedermaier for getting our students to the start line!! Thank you to Mr. Webb for organizing the day and Mrs. Bordeleau and Mrs. Becotte for supervising the runners!!!!
- to Marty Jimmy from the Grand Centre Golf course for the donation of jars for our grade 5 science project!!
Check out the new pictures in our photo Gallery!!
The CLMS LUNCH HOUR is from 12:06-1:06...
at this time - 12:06-12:36 the grade 6 and 7 eat their lunches and grade 5 and 8 go outside
at this time - 12:36-1:06 the grade 5 and 8 eat their lunches and grade 6 and 7 go outside
Please note that CLMS has students/staff that have allergies to peanuts/tree nuts/nuts. To protect those students and staff please do not send peanut products with your child/ren.
Safe Arrival/Students Absent from School
Parents are asked to call the school, 780-594-5623, prior to the morning registration at 8:35 am if your child will be absent. Safe Arrival is also a great tool to report absences.
CLMS Clothing Order
Get your Spirit Wear Now at https://clmsspiritwear.itemorder.com/. Items can be purchased online all year long and picked up at K3 Promotions. We have so many items to choose from! Masks, tees, long-sleeves, jackets, toques, ball caps, and more! Get your CLMS Spirit Wear today!!
School Cash Online
Please go to https://nlsd.schoolcashonline.com to pay for various fees and to order hot lunch, or to purchase concession cards/milk cards. You will need your child’s ASN which is on their report card or you can call the school office. There are various snacks and chocolate milk available in the concession for purchase. Hot lunches are Tuesday - Friday and must be pre-ordered by Sunday of each week on School Cash ONLY. There will be no purchase of hot lunches on the day of.
Covid-19 Safety Section
Please use the most up-to-date Daily Checklist before sending your child to school. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call the school.
Our school has always been committed to keeping students, staff, and families safe.
- We have increased sanitization in our school, especially in high touch areas
- All staff and students in grades 5-12 are required to wear masks in common areas
- Hand sanitizer is available at all entrances and in all classrooms
- Staff and students are encouraged to practice physical distancing at all times
- Staff and students use the Covid-19 Daily Checklist before coming to school
Fun Fact: A shark doesn’t contain any bones in its body.