Hornets Hub - Week #30

Board approves Multi-Configuration option for Cold Lake schools
The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees has approved the recommendation of the Cold Lake Configuration Committee to proceed with the proposed Multi-Configuration Scenario for the division’s schools in Cold Lake. For more information, visit https://www.nlpsab.ca/our-division/cold-lake-configuration/post/board-approves-multi-configuration-option
We hope you have a happy and restful Spring Break!!
Upcoming Events
- April 30 - Family Friday
Special Days
- April 15 - World Art Day
- April 22 - Earth Day
- April 29 - International Dance Day
- National Month of Hope
- Autism Acceptance Month
- Alberta Education Week (April 27 - May 1)
Mental Health Week
As part of our division-wide focus on improving student mental health and wellness, NLPS has a number of activities planned for our schools and communities over the next few weeks leading up to Mental Health Week (May 3-9).
We would like to express our appreciation to Imperial Oil for supporting our “It Starts with Hope” project, which will include a variety of initiatives in our schools that focus on hope. We are very excited to introduce this to our staff, students and parents, and will have more information to share in the coming weeks.
Here are a couple of the things we are working on:
- It Starts with Hope T-Shirts: We will be offering students, parents/guardians, staff and community members the opportunity to help spread hope in the community and show their support for our mental health initiatives by purchasing an “It Starts with Hope” T-shirt. T-Shirts are available for sale through School Cash Online. The deadline to order will be April 11.
- Signs of Hope: We were overwhelmed by the response to our Positive Signs campaign last year and are thrilled to see many of the signs are still posted throughout our communities. With the support of Thinkwerx and Imperial Oil, we will once again be able to give away 400 signs featuring messages of hope for students, staff and parents/guardians to display in our communities. Keep an eye on our social media accounts and engage.nlpsab.ca for information on how you can win one of the signs.
Please use SafeArrival or call the school if your child will be absent. If your child is sick, please call the school directly. 780-594-5623
Covid Daily Checklist
Please use the most up-to-date Daily Checklist before sending your child to school. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call the school.
Wellness Corner with Miss North
The Wellness Corner has a new place on our website! Look for updates from Miss North here! Or go to Students > Mental Health Counselling.
Hornets Hub Photos
We are still doing lots of fun and exciting things in our school! Be sure to check out the photo gallery here! Or go to About > Photo Galleries.
Please keep an eye on your email and our Facebook page for updates from the school and the division!
CLMS Clothing Order
Get your Spirit Wear Now at https://clmsspiritwear.itemorder.com/ Items can be purchased online all year long and picked up at K3 Promotions. We have so many items to choose from! Masks, tees, long-sleeves, jackets, toques, ball caps, and more! Get your CLMS Spirit Wear today and rep the best middle school ever!
Covid-19 Safety Section
Our school has always been committed to keeping students, staff, and families safe. Our COVID-19 safety measures are outlined in the NLPS Re-Entry Plan, which can be accessed at nlspab.ca. Here are some highlights:
Please do a self-screening with your child in the morning. If your child has a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or a loss of sense of taste or smell, your child must isolate for 10 days. If your child gets a COVID test and is negative, they can return to school when symptoms resolve.
If your child has ONE of the other symptoms; chills, sore throat, painful swallowing, runny nose or congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, achy muscles and/or joints, unexplained loss of appetite, pink eye, fatigue, and general unwellness; please keep keep them home and monitor symptoms for 24 hours. If symptoms resolve after 24, they can return to school. If symptoms do not improve, worsen, or a new symptom arises, call 811 or use the AHS Online Assessment Tool to check if testing is recommended. When all symptoms resolve, your child may return.
If your child has TWO or more of the other symptoms, keep them home and monitor symptoms for 24 hours. Call 811 or use the AHS Online Assessment Tool to check if testing is necessary. Your child can return to school once symptoms resolve, as long as it has been at least 24 hours since their symptoms started.
If you or your child have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you and your child(ren) are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days with or without symptoms.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school directly.
Safe Arrival/Students Absent from School
Parents are asked to call the school, 780-594-5623, prior to the morning registration at 8:35 am if your child will be absent. If your child is ill, please call the school. You will get a follow up call. Parents must register their child to ride the bus. Please contact the transportation department 1-877-826-6038
School Cash Online
Please go to https://nlsd.schoolcashonline.com to pay for various school activity fees, to order hot lunch, or to purchase concession cards.
CLMS School Education Plan
- Supporting Student Mental Health and Wellness; increase positive mental health and wellness and reduce anxiety.
- Increasing student achievement and competencies in numeracy
Fun Fact of the Week: The United Nations estimates that there are over three million shipwrecks on the ocean floors. Lost, destroyed, or deliberately sunk, these wrecks are of interest to divers, underwater archaeologists, and treasure hunters alike.